The first ever program written by a newbie is HelloWorld, be it C, C++, Java or any other programming language. Gives a sense of satisfaction to see the output on the screen. But few get there in the first shot. As for me, it took me god damm five freaking hours to understand what was going wrong.
Most of the times, the first ever HelloWorld program is copied by us till the last 'white character'. Seldom any chance of making any mistakes there. The first problem that hits us is:
javac.exe is a file that gets installed on our machine as a part of jdk installation. This executable is required for generating the byte code i.e. essentially the .class file from our .java files. javac.exe is present in the
Copy the path till
Similar problems are observed with the 'jar' command. jar.exe is an executable which helps us in creating java archive (jar), web archive (war) and enterprise archive (ear) files. In case jar -uvf xyz.jar com/* command gives you an error, the solution is same as above.
Many a times I have resources asking me that even if
Hope this blog serves as a good appetizer.
Cheers, Amey
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